I organize workshops for activists and teach skills to individuals and teams.

If you are an international group, I can teach in English, but not everything: some talks are simply way too heavy to translate. The are marked as “German only”. I teach for travel/accomodation expenses and an honorary expense.
If your group has a low or no budget, ask anyway: we’ll find a solution! Small non-profits have a hard time allocating their budget and I know the struggle.

Currently I’m teaching…

Datenschutz & digitale Selbstverteidigung

[GER only] Egal ob Mitglied im Gremium (FSR, StuRa, Vereinsvorstand), ehrenamtliche_r Lackierer_in, Kulturschaffende_r oder Aktivist_in: mit zunehmender Digitalisierung wird auch Datenschutz ein relevantes Thema. Die Veranstaltung bietet einen umfassenden Input zu möglichen Risiken/Problemen sowie deren Lösungen.
Die Dauer beträgt etwa 2 Stunden, am Ende gibt es den Raum um die vorgestellte Tools betreut einzurichten.

Layout & Design

Participants learn the theoretical basics of graphic design and their application in layouts for print and digital media. The aim is not to simply copy a corporate design, or learn everything at once, but to teach a base to further expand on. Also included are tips, tricks and life hacks from 4 years of experience in propaganda and advertising for activists, museums, parties and companies. I teach preferably in Affinity Designer + Photo, but Adobe Illustrator + Photoshop is also possible.
The workshop takes up a full day (8h+), ideally two for more practice and advanced techniques.

Video creation

Participants learn the full process of creating videos: creative strategies, writing, planning a shoot, how to film interesting video material and how to organize it, as well as assembling a sequence and editing video and audio material. I teach preferably in DaVinci Resolve, but Premiere Pro or CapCut are also possible. The workshop duration is a full day (8h+).
Additionally, I offer an advanced course for Adobe Premiere Pro + After Effects + Audition (Audio Cleanup, title animations, dynamic linking, working with a greenscreen).


A quick intro into the basics of WordPress, followed by the planning and creation of a simple personal site + blog. When its done, I teach best practices to speed the page up, keep it secure and well maintained. Beaware: this is not a web development or coding workshop! Unless specifically requested, I don’t teach CSS, PHP or scripting and keep it as simple as possible. The basics are done in 4h, more advanced stuff needs a day.

Shorter sessions / talks are possible as well, just contact me.
